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Topic: Zzzzzz Make my way back home and learn to fly
08:43am, Friday 5 Oct 2001
Song of the Day: Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly

So I got home last Tuesday morning, at the ungodly hour of 9 something am.

Caught up with my best friend Zoz, and tried not to sleep all day. Getting my body clock back to normal has been the real test this week… where have my afternoon siestas gone!?

I got my developed photos back yesterday, and once I figure out what to do with them, they'll show up here I guess.

I missed you all, and while its great to be home, life is not how I left it. I guess that was to be expected. Big prayers to my mum and sister.

Very disjointed this post. Almost as if I don't know what to say.. so I'll leave it there.

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