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Topic: Zzzzzz I don't want to move a thing, it might change my memory..
09:40am, Tuesday 26 Jun 2001
Song of the Day: Dido - Here With Me

Ooohhh I love that song! Its been on constant repeat at my house, much to my sister's consternation :)

Yesterday, I thought I felt a lot better. Last night I woke up around 3am to this godawful nightmare and the realisation that I was on my own in all this really brought me down to the ground.

As much as I love my friends, and as much as they're there for me, during times of stress and through all our problems, there are going to be periods where they can't be there for you. There are going to be times when you're sitting at home, thinking about whatever's bothering you and nobody will be there to tell you its ok.

I've grown up a lot in the last week, with all that has gone through my mind it has made me re-think my priorities to the point where I've asked myself "is it all worth it?".. and when I wake up from a nightmare and have no one to turn to, the answer is most definately no.

It's worth mentioning that some people are completely selfless when it comes to frantic sms's at 3.30am, you know who you are. Sometimes being "just friends" is not a compromise - its the best possible outcome. Thank you for being there.

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