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Topic: Zzzzzz Don't call me baby
09:35am, Thursday 7 Jun 2001
Song of the Day: Madison Avenue - Don't call me baby. (You know why ;))

I have a name, you know :)

I think I'm coming down with something.. probably the 'flu which charms me to no end..

This weekend will be the great dinner party and I'm pretty stuck for things to cook. I seriously suck at cooking, so if you're reading this and you've been invited - bring your pizza vouchers... they go well with the beer you're bringing.

If you have any ideas on what I can cook that 1) won't allow me to set the kitchen on fire, 2) won't cause my guests to be off sick from work for a week with terminal food poisoning and 3) won't mean that I have to spend 2 days in the kitchen to seem like I didn't make much effort ("this old thing? I whipped it up in 3 minutes whilst figuring out a cure for cancer") then post em here.

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