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Topic: Happiness And I have more than honored your request for silence...
07:42pm, Tuesday 21 May 2002
Song of the Day: Alanis Morissette - Hands Clean

I think I've done it..

You know how sometimes, people tell you the same thing day in day out, and you know they're right but you just can't get your head around it?

"He's no good for you"
"You deserve better"
"He's an inconsiderate prick and you're better off without him"

And so it goes, until you're about ready to burst with the knowledge "I fucking know! OK! I fucking know already but it doesn't stop me feeling like total crap!".

Until someone says the right words. The magic phrase..

"It's a lot easier to ignore someone's opinion when you realise that you don't actually value their opinion."

Thank you Jason.. I owe you for your words of wisdom. Bunnings will never be the same again.

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