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Topic: Rants You made my mascara run
01:34am, Saturday 26 May 2001
Song of the Day: Powderfinger - Up & Down & Back Again (predictable)

My friends mean the world to me. I never, ever treat their sadness or need with the contempt you do. Breaking a nail indeed! My friends know my worth. You know nothing.

You judge me on hormonal swings instead of using your so called gift of perception. You write me off as some sort of psycho without ever really thinking about how highly I thought of you.

How many people thought as highly of you? How many people care whether you're happy or not?

How many people care that your life is not always peachy?

And better yet, how many people disregard the arrogant, facetious facade you put up as a mask to the rest of the world and look underneath to what sometimes shows through as the real you? Can you say synchronised watches? Can you say coat-label? Can you say web logs? Can you say up and down and back again? #1 on the people-you-didn't-fuck-up list? Forget it. I'm #1 on the list of things you let go.

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