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Topic: Happiness You're so fine, I never see you leaving by the back door..
04:40am, Saturday 19 Jun 2004
Song of the Day: Aerosmith - Rag Doll

OK I'm not dead.

Its just one of those things. You know how you have friends and you don't see them for a bit and you think to yourself "I really must call her" and a bit more time goes on until one day you realise that it has been a bit too long and it would be just too embarassing to call now? Well its a bit like that with this blog.

But it would be remiss of me not to post today. I reason being twofold: England have made it through to the Euro 2004 football and I wanna mark the occasion (this city is going NUTS! thank christ they didn't lose... I've never met a culture of people that takes their football more seriously than us aussies) and also to post about how this place just got a little easier to live in.

Let me explain.. when I went home back in April I was on a mission - a mission to buy as many clothes and shoes as I could with my newfound pounds (it didn't start out that way, but inevitably thats what it turned into.. shoe quality here is appalling). I saw this handbag I really liked but couldn't decide whether it was worth buying, and also I was having a bit of a space problem in my suitcase. Anyway I didn't get it, and when I got back to London it suddenly turned into summer - this bag would have been perfect for my outfits.

So I emailed my long suffering psuedo boyfriend (no long distance relationship here.. I just don't want to move on.. sometimes I think I'm a little touched) and asked him to get it and send it to me. He said he would.

Meanwhile, I was seriously coveting the elusive Apple iPod. I know I know I'm a sheep sometimes, but I am also a serious gadget junkie. And god do I love my music.. my minidiscman just wasn't cutting it anymore. Even duty free, the iPod is a little out of my price range, and I was really hoping to get one when I went home. Michael had one, I surreptitiously tried to steal it on several occasions, but because he used it every day he wouldn't let me (drat!).

So fast forward about 2 months, and I had a few weeks where everything seemed to be working against me. I got my wallet stolen on a crowded bus, causing me to miss a much anticipated bank holiday weekend in Amsterdam, I had serious work issues, and I was having a cash problem due to wallet getting flogged. (Not to mention getting absolutely smashed on a night out with Sharon and ranting ridiculously rabid ravings to Michael along the lines of "you don't love me!, I'm fat!, I'm ugly!" etc etc)

So I got my bag today. And guess what was inside? if you haven't fallen asleep yet (and I wouldn't blame you).. yep.. the elusive iPod. As Steve my boss said.. the man is seriously into you if he parted with that. And the best thing? its loaded with music.. stuff I've never heard before, some stuff thats a favourite of mine, and some that I hadn't heard in years and totally forgotten I loved. The song of the day is a perfect example.. I've forgotten how much I like Aerosmith (no matter how naff they are). In Michael's honor I played only aussie music all the way home :)

How do you put a price on such a generous gesture? Even if its just a loan, the thought was so surprising to me that I'll have to remember it always. Although someone might not always show it, sometimes they just do things to surprise the hell out of you, and I'm beginning to realise that this is a far better way to be! So thanks babe. I can't even think of anything I could do to compare, but one day I will. You made my life here just that bit easier and now.. I can just .... breathe.

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