It was always gunna be a big night. Zooropa, the U2 cover band were playing, the Cruisers were 2 quid each (get in!) and all of us happily single and sober.

The date: 22 November, 2003.
The venue: The Swan, Stockwell.
The time: until 4am. Write off your weekend.
The crowd: fucking fanTASTIC! And here are the results...

Terri, Liz, Dan and Me, heading towards liver failure
3 Muskateers! Dan, Liz and Terri Me and Dan the Man (tm)
Liz in her natural state Ahhh... it must be love. Or a lot of Cruisers.
This is about as good as it gets! Liz and Patrick the Suave Irishman ("We hate the fooking English!")